I'm Bad at Writing It All Down
I have never been the one to write down all my feelings, what's happening in my life, and memories. I am more of a picture person who wants to take a picture of every single awesome moment. I have somewhat realized how proficient it is to write the things that cross your mind over time. I wish I wrote more in a diary when I was younger so I could go back and read what all I thought and wondered.
When you're progressing in life, it's interesting to watch yourself grow and change. You learn more about yourself when you study who you are. A lot of people don't really know or love themselves. Honestly, I am an only child, so I think that has helped me stay to myself in solitude more often to where I spent a lot of time being my own best friend. I can say I know myself pretty well now and it's an amazing feeling.
God helped a lot as well (99%). He helped humble myself and show me all my flaws so I could continuously work on myself. He showed me my worth and how important I am as a daughter of God. In the song "Amazing Grace", it says, "I was lost, but now I am found, I was blind but now I see." Those words never really hit me until I actually WAS found, and actually COULD BEGIN TO SEE. I thought it was just your typical gospel lyrics, but they really came to life for me.
I saw everything in a new way. I begin to understand everything and when I got closer to God, He spoke to me more.
People need to understand that we live in a fallen world.
We are born into sin.
Life is not easy, and truthfully we are all lost. (If you never develop the right perspective you will never be satisfied and will never experience happiness that is already yours.)
We are all blind to the hidden truths. (Because the enemy never wants us to prosper, he wants us to live a basic life and hide our passions from us.)
We constantly live in deception without even realizing we are being blind to it.
To many people see with their earthly eyes and not with the eyes of their spirit, Some people don't even acknowledge that they have a soul or spirit within them! Don't you know that, that is what is you!
This earthly body of the world is just a shell, as it it with a snail!
For me, I chose God and didn't expect Him to quickly be the most influential guidance in my life. I just thought a few prayers would get answered here and there and I would better serve my morals...(just be a good ole person). But...NO, He is consistently exposing me to real people, truth, wisdom, knowledge, happiness, peace, joy, content, really anything that is good. He never stops with the blessings, so much that I begin to feel overwhelmed and fathomed by it. A lot of times I don't feel like I even deserve it!
God is not just some judge over you life who will accuse you everyday and make you feel bad. God is a best friend who desires your relationship with Him. Think about it, you have a best friend. If you aren't consistently talking to them, lovin' on them, just being there for them through thick and then, the friendship will not last because it wasn't real.
The thing with God is even if we become disloyal to our friendship with Him, He is always there, and always forgiving. Always looking out for you. That is only the beginning of His unconditional love.
We don't understand how He works because we have an earthly mind that is still unknowing of real genuine success. But once you trust in Him, you begin to understand everything. You understand that struggles and trials end up being a beautiful part of your walk and journey.
All the things I share and know come from Him. He is my foundation for everything. Everything leads back to Him.